• Introduction to Computers and Generations of Computers. 2 Computer Graphics and Animation Binary, octal, decimal and Hexadecimal number systems 1. 2 Classification of Computers The computers are classified into various types depends on their purpose, operation and size. Classification of the computer on the basis of brand Computers can be classified into various classes according to on the basis of working principle, on the basis of size, on the basis of brand. On the basis of brand computers are classified in to three types IBM PC, IBM compatible, AppleMacintosh. 4Parallel Computer Architecture Classification based on the instruction and data streams Classification based on the structure of computers Classification based on how the memory is accessed Classification based on grain size All these classification schemes are discussed in subsequent sections. Classification Of Computers Microcomputers Minicomputers Mainframe computer Supercomputers. Microcomputer It is defined as a computer that has microprocessor as its CPU. Minicomputer Is a medium sized computer that is more powerful than microcomputers. This is a detail note that contains questions and answers. It is suitable for grade 10, 11 and 12 students. It covers all categories of computer classifications. Computers are also categorized according to use in three subcategories. Analog computers measure physical quantities (e. Voltage, Pressure, Temperature, Speed etc. ) and convert them to numeric values. System software software designed to operate the computer hardware and to provide a platform for running application software An example of a modern GUI as used in Ubuntu Modern computers are complex machines involving many different parts. classification of digital computers pdf Such positions are classified in the Computer Clerk and Assistant Series. Architecture and components of Computer System. With MCQ Paper on Classification of computers 1. Questions This PDF file is complementary study material of FundamentalsMCQ. com for computer jobs examination. Some important points you should know about computers classification The name of the first operational digital computer (the great grand father of our present computers) was ENIAC ( E lectronic memory N umerical I ntegrator and C alculator). TYPES OF COMPUTERS AND THEIR PARTS Page 1 of 6 Source: Log on to IT for CSEC by R Birbal Michele Taylor. A programmable electronic device that processes data via instructions to output information for future use. General purpose Computers A General Purpose Computer is a machine that is capable of carrying out some general data processing under program control. Refers to computers that follow instructions, thus virtually all computers from micro to mainframe are general purpose. According to functionality, Type of computers are classified as: Analog Computer An analog computer (spelt analogue in British English) is a form of computer that uses continuous physical phenomena such as electrical, mechanical, or hydraulic quantities to model the problem being solved. ing to build quantum computers and theoreticians trying to nd other quantum algorithms. Additional interest in the subject has been created by the invention of quantum key distri bution and, more recently, popular press accounts of experimental successes in quantum Classification of computers are given below. (1) Micro computers: These computers use a microprocessor chip and this chip is used instead of CPU means that this microprocessor chip works as a CPU. These computers are also called personal computers. Two major types of these computers are laptop or Desktop computers. According to size computers can be divided into following types: 1. Super Computers: Super computers are the fastest, largest and costliest computers available. The speed is in the 100 million instructions per second range. They tend to be used for specific applications in weather forecasting, aircraft design and nuclear research. Mobile Computing Classification Learn about mobile computing in simple and easy terms starting from trends in mobile computing, classification of mobile computing, advantages of mobile computing, security issues, future trends, GSM, GPRS, WiFi, WiMAX, LTE, PDA, Smart Phones, PC Tablets. 3 Classification of Computers 1. 5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers 1. 6 Similarities Difference between computer and Human 1. 8 Components of a Computer System Introduction to Computer System. or Personal Computers: is the smallest, least expensive of all the computers. Micro computers have smallest memory and less power, are physically smaller and permit fewer peripherals to be attached. The second classification of computers is portable computers. This type of classification includes lap tops and palm tops. The personal digital assistant or PDA was designed to help people stay organized. Knut Hinkelmann 6 Classification Schemes 3 Classification Classification is an organization means arranging information items into classes dividing the universe of information into manageable and logical portions. A class or category is a group of concepts that have something in common. This shared property gives the class its identity. Flynn's taxonomy is a classification of computer architectures, proposed by Michael J. [1 [2 The classification system has stuck, and has been used as a tool in design of modern processors and their functionalities. Concept of a Technology Classification for Cou ntry Comparisons 1 Final Report to the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) Ulrich Schmoch classifications of computers There is an almost bewildering variety of computers, and the number of models available is rapidly growing. To some extent this variety is. Computers can be classified, or typed, in many ways. Some common classifications of digital computers are summarized below. For others see Category: Classes of computers the computers classified by Flynn are not parallel computers, but to grasp the concept of parallel computers, it is necessary to understand all types of Flynns classification. Computer Viruses are classified according to their nature of infection and behavior. Different types of computer virus classification are given below. Computer Parts Accessories Description and Classification PHOTO ITEM TARIFF NUMBER E41 APPLICATION Computer System YES Laptops YES Convertible Tablet PC YES Pen Tablet NO TabletSlate YES PC. Architecture and components of Computer System Memory Classification IFE Course In Computer Architecture Slide 1 With respect to the way of data access we can classify memories as: random access memories (RAM). 1 GENERATION OF COMPUTERS The first electronic computer was designed and built at the University of Pennsylvania based on vacuum tube technology. Vacuum tubes were used to perform logic operations and to store data. Generations of computers has been divided into five according to the development of technologies communicating among computers and computer devices (including telephones) in close proximity of around a few meters within a room It can be used for communicating between the devices themselves, or for connecting to a larger network such as the internet. Session 2 classification of digital computers Kar Posted on 11Nov2017 Enotes on Classification of Digital Computers Definition: A Computer A computer is an electronic device that accepts raw data, processes it according to a set of. Computers can be generally classified by size and power as follows, though there is considerable overlap: Personal computer: A small, singleuser computer based on a microprocessor. Workstation: A powerful, singleuser computer. A workstation is like a personal computer, but it has a computerstypes. There are many computers which are different from each other in various aspects. Classification of computers are given below. (1) Micro computers: These computers use a microprocessor chip and. Classification of computers in relation to size divides computers into four main categories: mainframe computers, minicomputers, microcomputers and supercomputers. Differentsized computers offer different services. Classification of computer system pdf Classification of computer system pdf classification of digital computer system pdf The software is the instructions. operation of the controls of the digital computer system. classification of computer system based on purpose 1 Classification of Computer Networks. Various specifically designed computers are with both digital and analog characteristics combining the advantages of analog and digital computers when working as a system. Hybrid computers are being used extensively in process control system where it is necessary to. CLASSIFICATION OF COMPUTERSACC TO FUNCTION Analog computer Digital computer Hybrid Computer 1. ANALOG COMPUTERS are that in which data varies con Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Enotes on Classification of Digital Computers Definition: A Computer A computer is an electronic device that accepts raw data, processes it according to a set of Classification of Computers size Technology Purpose Computer Mainframe Computer Mini Computer Micro Computer Digital Analog Hybrid General Purpose Special Purpose Desktop Laptop Palmtop Workstation. Supper Computer Supercomputer is the most powerful and fastest, and also very expensive. This is a lesson in the course Introduction to Computers, which is a part of The School of Computer Science This is a resource to learn about different types of computers that exist. A server is a central computer that contains collections of data and programs. Also called a network server, this. COMPUTER BASICS Seema Sirpal Delhi University Computer Centre. An electronic device that stores, retrieves, and processes data, and can be on your computers hard disk, CDROM, DVD or on a diskette (floppy disk) and is loaded (i. copied) from the disk into the Computers are found everywhere nowadays and there are many different ways people are using them. Thats why there are numerous ways of classifying them based on their power, brand, architecture, price, to name a few. Today, we are going to talk about a specific classification of computers that most users may not even be aware [ General purpose computers and special purpose computers are two classifications of computers according to use. Not surprisingly, most computers are considered general purpose machines, since they are built for such a wide range of processing capability, explain bytenotes. Computers can also be classified according to the tasks they perform. Below is a discose on the classifications of computers as in in this post and blog: Also read: computer classification according to size and keyboard tricks 1 Computer Networks A group of two or more computer systems linked together. There are many [types of computer networks: Peer To Peer (workgroups) The computers are connected by a network, however, there is NOT a Server present. Micro computers are smallest and based on the use of microprocessors. Microprocessor is combined or integrated circuit which contains all the elements of processing. Smaller than mainframe and have lowspeed, low storage capacity. Basically used for small business application are known as home computers. Computer Classification Based On Size. CLASSIFICATION OF COMPUTERS: According to Technology used Computer can be classified on the basis of different factors such as circuits and the task performance capabilities under this classification, computer have been classified into three categories. editions of the vienna classification The first edition of the Classification was published in 1973, the second in 1988, the third in 1993, the fourth in 1997, the fifth in 2002 and the sixth in 2007..