• Programme. Home; Programme New 10 September 2018! Download the full program in PDF file here NEW 5Sept2018! 17th European Conference on Computational Biology. An outstanding scientific program that combines current evidence and state of the art technology is being organised and will provide an excellent opportunity for learning and discussion. This site place cookies on your machine for reasons including keeping track of your preferences, collecting aggregated statistics to analyze how our site is. A view of the draft programme of GSTIC 2018. DAY 1 (28 NOVEMBER) During the first day of the conference, GSTIC 2018 will take the GSTIC 2017 policy findings forward through plenary sessions. Science programme, Careers programme, Science to Business programme: explore the daily schedule. Discover here below the hundreds of conferences, workshops and debates that will bring the Europe of science innovation in Toulouse, France, July 914 2018. Programme highlights In the approach to the ERS International Congress 2018, we will share highlights from the programme to help you plan your Congress experience. With over 420 scientific and educational sessions to acce The Erasmus Programme is designed to support Programme ountries' efforts to effiiently use the potential of Europes talent and so ial assets in a lifelong learning perspe tive, linking support to formal, nonformal and informal learning The MyData 2018 conference programme is made up of main stage sessions and 10 community curated tracks, and Open Space. The MyData 2018 conference invites you to join and enjoy all the flavours of MyData Programme Business, Legal, Tech, and Social. Programme 2018 (European Commission C(2017) 5307 of 2 August 2017) 2 P a g e Who should read this document? This document is the annual work programme for the European Research Council funded by the European Unions Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. It is To view the 2018 programme select your weekday below and scroll across each of the four tabs, to see the full days activity. Week 1 We know the worlds economy is set. For well over a decade, the OECD World Forums on Statistics, Knowledge and Policy have been pushing forward the boundaries of wellbeing measurement and policy. By bringing together thousands of leaders. Be the first to know: get email alerts. To receive regular updates on the Edinburgh Jazz Blues Festival, fill out the form below. We'll never give your details to. Programme 2018 Mentions: The data collected here is required in order to send you the congress emails, newsletters and the documents that will make your visit or participation in the EUSEM Congress easier and useful information for the next edition of the congress. Mres, Maries, marais, cologie d'un mythe. Suzanne Hetzel, Axelle Remeaud, Mireille Loup, Franck Pourcel, Hlne Dattler, Sophie Vignon How to access the programme The scientific programme of the General Assembly 2018 includes special scientific and interdisciplinary events as well as oral, PICO, and poster sessions on disciplinary and interdisciplinary topics covering the full spectrum of the geosciences and the. Conference programme 5 th Nordic Conference on Climate Adaptation, NOCCA, takes place from lunch to lunch between Tuesday 23 October and Thursday 25 October. The conference will highlight, discuss and be inspired by Nordic adaptation solutions. pisa (programme for international student assessment) 2018 pisa. INORMS 2018 will feature plenary speakers, alongside a wide variety of workshops and seminars, opportunities to develop networking and other professional skills, and a vibrant social programme. Le programme du Think Tank se structurera autour du thme principal 2018 Du Dveloppement Durable au Dveloppement Ethique et Responsable dans le. The national flu immunisation programme. NHS England has already written to GPs, community pharmacies and Clinical Commissioning Groups to. programme 2018 BRECON JAZZ FESTIVAL WEEKEND 2018: Fri 10th 12th Aug 2018 A limited number of Day (55 Sun), Weekend Ticket (135) Discount Passes from 10 each are now available and cover the whole weekend from afternoon on Friday to Sunday evening inclusive. For a comprehensive overview the preliminary programme is a downloadable document that covers all information relevant to the conference featuring details on sessions, speakers, exhibitors, demonstrations, workshops and networking events that the Congress will offer. The Conference Programme for IFLA WLIC 2018 is available in a single web application, called iPLANNER. Please note, that detailed information for each Sessions will be added by. Executive Board; Organising Committee; First Year Crew; Research. Research Institutes; Summer Schools; The Professor Chris Gips Foundation In this programme you will find almost 300 sessions, to inspire, educate, and challenge us to work even harder for a water wise future. Welcome to Stockholm for World Water Week 2018! Download individual days or the complete programme. Programme Programme The main conference theme is: Infection After Trauma. Industry Symposia Find detailed information about the Industry Symposia here. The topics for EBJIS 2018 are: Prosthetic joint infections; Bone and soft tissue reconstruction; Demanding infections. Programme at a Glance 54th EASD Annual Meeting. Noncommercial and EASD Study Groups satellite symposia on the occasion of the 54th EASD Annual Meeting: Monday, 1 Oct 2018: Please note that the programme may be subject to change. The EBA 2018 conference programme, with Greening gas as the central theme, consists of two full days with plenary and breakout sessions. There will be an exhibition, a poster session, two networking lunches, a conference dinner. Japonismes 2018: les mes en rsonanceune grande saison culturelle japonaise qui se droulera Paris, en ledeFrance et dans toute la France afin de prsenter des facettes encore mconnues de la culture et civilisation japonaise. The EAS 2018 Scientific Committee has created an innovative programme featuring influential speakers in their respective fields. EAS 2018 Lisbon welcomes a distinguished international faculty to share their pioneering perspectives on the latest developments in basic research and clinical practice in atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Welcome to the European Human Genetics Conference in conjunction with the European Meeting on Psychosocial Aspects of Genetics The ESMO 2018 Congress will provide a scientific and educational programme able to directly impact the daily clinical practice of oncologists. This year, the programme also features a dedicated nursing track through a collaboration with the European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS). The IFSCC Congress features major scientific and technical aspects in the field of cosmetic science. Top international speakers will discuss and present the latest findings in their fields. The EFOMP 2nd European Congress of Medical Physics that will be held on 23 25 of August 2018 in Copenhagen, Denmark, has been accredited by EBAMP as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 23 CPD credit points. The 2018 festival is now over, but if you would like to take a peep at what we got up to this year, then do click on the button below. No tweets to display at the moment. By day Friday, 14 September Saturday, 15 September. 27 29 NOVEMBER 2018 Palais des festivals Cannes, French riviera. My selection See all selection. Your selection is empty Hello Disconnect. My selection See all selection. Your selection is empty Conference Programme. First call for papers December 4, 2017 Full paper, peerreviewed, published in IEEE Technical papers, published in proceedings Early registration opens January 31, 2018 Programme 2018. The 47th edition of International Film Festival Rotterdam took place from 24 January to 4 February 2018. Go to the daily schedule of the IFFR 2018 film programme. Choose your route through 593 Short, Midlength and feature films. The Programme of the ECTS 2018 Congress will provide a complete offer for basic and translational scientists, clinical researchers and AHP working in the field of bone and related diseases. Explore the Cannes Lions 2018 Programme. Facebook; Twitter; Google; LinkedIn; Instagram; Since its first outing in 1954, the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity has been bringing the creative communications industry together every year at its oneofakind. Dcouvrez les vnements proposs, partout en France, pendant les Journes europennes du patrimoine, du 15 au 16 septembre 2018. The European conference INDustrial TECHnologies 2018 Creating a Smart Europe is organised as an associated event of the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The conference is organised by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT). A wonderful four days of talks, discussions, food drink, live music, comedy and more for all the family. The HOPE Exchange Programme 2018 will focus on the topic Improving the quality of healthcare using the experiences and competencies of patients: Are we ready? The exchange period for 2018 starts on 7 May and ends on 5 June 2018. 19th meeting of the european association for haematopathology edinburgh, scotland, uk 29 sep 4 oct 2018 Final Programme We are proud to announce the 19th EAHP Final Programme which you can download by pressing the button below. Track E: Implementation research, economics, systems and synergies with other health and development sectors Championnat du monde masculin 2018. Le programme TV, les news tv et tout sur les sries et le cinma Guide TV. Here we provide background information about the Festival itself and about its island setting. The Festival is an ideal time to visit Orkney, to see more of the islands and their wealth of history, archaeology and natural beauty. A loccasion des ftes de fin danne 2018, pour la joie des petits, mais aussi des grands, parents et grandsparents, lquipe de bnvoles de lAmicale des Cheminots met son train en circulation, pendant 3 jours en dcembre..