• PERL While Array Loop. Here we are just showing a method of looping through an array using a while loop. We use three variables to do this including: the array, a counter, and an index number so that each time the while loop iterates we also loop through each index of the array. The while construct allows for repetitive execution of a list of commands, as long as the command controlling the while loop executes successfully (exit status of zero). The syntax is: while CONTROLCOMMAND; do CONSEQUENTCOMMANDS; done. CONTROLCOMMAND can be any command(s) that can exit with a success or failure status. You can use Exit While when you test for a condition that could cause an endless loop, which is a loop that could run an extremely large or even infinite number of times. You can then use Exit While to escape the loop. You can place any number of Exit While statements anywhere in the While loop. How to use C# while loop The while statement continually executes a block of statements until a specified expression evaluates to false. The expression is evaluated each time the loop is encountered and the evaluation result is true, the loop body statements are executed. While and as We can use while or as to talk about two longer events or activities happening at the same time. We can use either simple or continuous verb forms: When and while without a subject We can use when and while without a verb, or without a subject auxiliary verb be. We use while with the present continuous and past continuous tenses to show longer actions which are interrupted: It started raining while I was waiting for the bus. (past continuous) The phone always rings while I'm having a shower. Statements and flow control Loops repeat a statement a certain number of times, or while a condition is fulfilled. They are introduced by the keywords while, do, and for. The while loop The simplest kind of loop is the whileloop. Its syntax is: while (expression) statement Define worthwhile. worthwhile synonyms, worthwhile pronunciation, worthwhile translation, English dictionary definition of worthwhile. Sufficiently valuable or important to be worth one's time, effort, or interest. adj sufficiently important, rewarding, or valuable The while structure executes a series of statements continuously while the expression is true. The expression must be updated during the repetitions or the program will never break out of while. This function can be dangerous because the code inside the while loop will not finish until the expression inside while becomes false. WHILE LOOP Statement The WHILE LOOP statement runs one or more statements while a condition is TRUE. The WHILE LOOP statement ends when the condition becomes FALSE or NULL, when a statement inside the loop transfers control outside the loop, or when PLSQL raises an exception. While loops, like the ForLoop, are used for repeating sections of code but unlike a for loop, the while loop will not run n times, but until a defined condition is no longer met. If the condition is initially false, the loop body will not be executed at all. while expression, statements, end evaluates an expression, and repeats the execution of a group of statements in a loop while the expression is true. An expression is true when its result is nonempty and contains only nonzero elements (logical or real numeric). Each scripting language has several different methods of applying the loop. PowerShell also support some universal loop like: ForEachObject. The simplest and most useful loop is foreach. The WHILE LOOP will continue while @sitevalue 10. And once monthlyvalue is 10, the loop will terminate. dowhile (PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7) dowhile loops are very similar to while loops, except the truth expression is checked at the end of each iteration instead of in the beginning. Dont use a comma before while when youre talking about two things happening at the same time. I decided to take a nap under my desk while everyone else was in the meeting. I decided to take a nap under my desk, while everyone else was in the meeting. Lets order the curtains while theyre. while this term paper is very well done, it's still late Synonyms of while albeit, although ( also altho ), as, howbeit, much as, notwithstanding, though, when, whereas, whilst [ chiefly British. The meaning of a while statement is simple. It tells PHP to execute the nested statement(s) repeatedly, as long as the while expression evaluates to TRUE. The value of the expression is checked each time at the beginning of the loop, so even if this value changes during the execution of the nested statement(s), execution will not stop until the end of the iteration (each time PHP runs the. A simple exercise on whenwhile use Noun. It took them a while to find out what was causing the problem. we stayed at the fair for a while longer. Someone called while you were out. You can get the photos developed while you wait. The phone rang while I was doing the dishes. They met while they were in college. Can I get you anything while I'm at the store? He made a comment that, while wellintentioned, still hurt. while away the time v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verbfor example, put their heads together, come to an end. (find ways to pass the time) passer le temps loc v locution verbale: groupe de mots fonctionnant comme un verbe. The past continuous tense uses: . waswere (verb) ing was eating or were going. It is used to show something that happened in the past and continued for a while. For example: From 8: 00 to 8: 30 I was taking a bath. We use the past continuous tense with the simple past tense when we want to show that one thing happened in the middle of another thing. As, when and while are conjunctions used to talk about actions or situations that take place at the same time. In some situations both when and while are possible. As is used to talk about two short actions or situations that happenhappened at the same time. all the while, at or during this time; all along: She realized all the while that the cake would fall. worth one's while, worth one's time, trouble, or expense: The art. while loop is similar to the while loop with one important difference. The body of dowhile loop is executed once, before checking the test expression. Here, key point of the while loop is that the loop might not ever run. When the condition is tested and the result is false, the loop body will be skipped and the first statement after the while loop will be executed. Whilst is a formal word which has the same meaning as 'while It is used in both time clauses and concessive clauses. Her sister had fallen whilst walking in her sleep at night. Raspberries have a matt, spongy surface whilst blackberries have a taut, shiny skin. A while loop will loop continuously, and infinitely, until the expression inside the parenthesis, becomes false. Something must change the tested variable, or the while loop will never exit. This could be in your code, such as an incremented variable, or an external condition, such as testing a sensor. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Synonyms for while at Thesaurus. com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Find descriptive alternatives for while. WHILE (TransactSQL); 2 minutes to read Contributors. In this article APPLIES TO: SQL Server (starting with 2008) Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Data Warehouse Parallel Data Warehouse Sets a condition for the repeated execution of an SQL statement or statement block. all the while, at or during this time; all along: She realized all the while that the cake would fall. worth one's while, worth one's time, trouble, or expense: The art. The Quick Answer When used to mean during the time that, at the same time as or although, the words whilst and while can be used interchangeably. The while statement evaluates expression, which must return a boolean value. If the expression evaluates to true, the while statement executes the statement(s) in the while block. The while statement continues testing the expression and executing its block until the expression evaluates to false. Using the while statement to print the values from 1 through 10 can be accomplished as in the. My name is Alexander Overvoorde and I'm a 25 year old software engineer from the Netherlands. You'll usually find me playing around with C, Java or Python while working on an open source project. Add Whils digital resilience, mindfulness and emotional intelligence training to your corporate wellness program. Help employees reduce stress while improve their performance. A while loop in C programming repeatedly executes a target statement as long as a given condition is true. Syntax The syntax of a while loop in C programming language is. The 3 most common English prepositions that are used to represent time are: for while during at in on. For The preposition for is used to express how long something or someone is doing something. In most computer programming languages, a while loop is a control flow statement that allows code to be executed repeatedly based on a given Boolean condition. The while loop can be thought of as a repeating if statement. The DoWhile Loop The dowhile loop is a variant of the while loop. This loop will execute the code block once, before checking if the condition is true, then it will repeat the loop as long as the condition is true. While is usually followed by a subject and a verb. It means ' during the time that an action is taking place They held hands while they were watching the film. Below is an example of a while loop. When executed, this script file will print the numbers 1 through 9 on the screen. The whilestatement gives you more flexibility for. The While keyword starts a control loop that is executed as long as the Expression is satisfied (returns True). The loop is not executed at all if the expression is false at the start. You need Begin or End markers if multiple statements are required in the loop. while BooleanExpression do statement; The loop continues to execute until the Boolean expression becomes FALSE. In the body of the loop, you must somehow affect the Boolean expression by changing one of the variables used in it. In most computer programming languages, a do while loop is a control flow statement that executes a block of code at least once, and then repeatedly executes the block, or not, depending on a given boolean condition at the end of the block. The do while construct consists of a process symbol and a condition. First, the code within the block is. It has been quite a while since I last saw her. I haven't seen her for a (good) long while. [for a long time [for a long time He claimed that he was happy, but he was thinking all the while [during that entire time of quitting his job. While he is a good match, her parents do not like him. Aunque sea un buen partido, a los padres de ella no les gusta..